2021 Great 8 Inductees

Dana Smith
Dana Smith is a Pastor and Executive Director of New Life II recovery house – a home for men who struggle with mental health, addiction and trauma. For the past 15 years, Dana has worked in the community; helping to organize basketball tournaments, family events and founded a men’s group called Unshakable Men. Dana also assists with feeding the homeless, and is part of the Greater New Britain Re-entry round table. Dana is trained as an Integrated Healing Coach, National certified peer specialist, recovery coach, recovery support specialist, and suicide prevention gatekeeper instructor.

Maggie Young
Maggie Young is Chief Recovery Officer at Liberation Programs, Inc. and has been working in addiction prevention, residential and outpatient treatment services for more than 25 years. Maggie is dually qualified as a clinician and as an administrator. Maggie has oversight of; the Youth and Family Resource Program, a prevention service that supports middle and high school-aged students and their families, 18 permanent supportive housing units, Families in Recovery Program, a residential program for pregnant and parenting women with children in their care as well as Liberation House a 65 bed male facility. Her efforts on behalf of pregnant and postpartum women required her to develop fully collaborative relationships between the local child welfare system, local hospitals and substance abuse treatment services providers. Maggie currently serves as president on the CT Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR) board of Directors as well as a board member of Mid Fairfield Aids Project (MFAP) and National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence/Westchester (NCADD). Maggie volunteers at Stamford Health linking individuals who are receiving mental health services to recovery supports in the community. In addition to her local and state work, Maggie facilitated trainings in Juneau and Anchorage Alaska in 2018 to child welfare and court support services staff on the benefit of medicated assisted treatments for women with children.

Kevin Morse
Kevin works as a full time freelance breaking news photographer and digital creator. With the help of friends and his community, he started On Scene Media New Haven County as a photographer and videographer. Kevin provides local communities with real time information regarding major crime incidents and informing the public of treatment services for individuals with addiction. In this past year, Kevin’s platform helped 10 people get admitted into a treatment facility.
Over the last 12 years Kevin has donated and volunteered thousands of hours, speaking at schools, helping find missing people, working within schools to attempt to reach the at risk youth and adults. He’s also volunteered on multiple non-profit boards dedicated to addiction recovery and youth and family services. In 2014, Kevin launched Turning Point CT which trained about 100 community members on the use of Narcan. Kevin has extended his advocacy throughout his community to help families rise up from times of negativity and loss and in turn, supports with finding solutions for those most impacted. Kevin hopes to most importantly grow as a Father and find consistency in the relationships with all four of his children, while continuing his journey inspiring others (individuals at risk or in the transformation process) through actions and leading by example.

Juan F. Castillo
While Juan Castillo’s journey began in Brooklyn, N.Y., he has truly carved out a legacy in New Haven and the state of Connecticut. As a current Hamden resident, Juan works with local youth and returning citizens who need help with the re-entry process.
Juan served 5 years in jail for drug dealing and upon release began a career in public service as a drug counselor with Narco Inc. and eventually became Executive Director of the Liberation Halfway House for ex-offenders. Juan established the first amateur jai-alai facility in Milford, CT. and is credited with training American players in the sport of Jai Alai who have since branched out to play internationally through his efforts. In 1980, Juan worked as the first former offender to be hired as a parole officer and later, as regional director of the Bridgeport and New London field offices. Juan established the Parole Works Program that provided employment and training opportunities to parolees. Over the last 25 years, Juan has been a radio announcer, Director of Operations PM drive on air personality, and host of the public affairs program, “Electric Drum” on WYBC radio. Juan also credits the station’s commitment to public service and community involvement for its success. Juan is a colon cancer survivor and has used the airwaves to promote early cancer testing and early detection through promotions like “Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day.” Juan continues to support organizations that are committed to cancer research and cancer patient support.

Timothy Conaway
Timothy Conaway has 16 years of professional experience in the human service sector. He has made a name for himself within his career and community as a passionate leader and philanthropist. Timothy co-founded Training and Motivation Center (TMC) in 2013 with his cousin, Torrence Conaway. TMC is an educational 501 (c) (3) nonprofit that focuses on at-risk youth and adults. As President of Events, Tim spearheaded TMC’s signature events that have given back to thousands of New Britain youth and families. Tim has helped TMC build relationships with hundreds of sponsors and donors who help provide resources and recognition to both families and organizations. Tim continues to work to inspire others by doing what he loves – giving back.

April Barron
April Alston-Barron has overcome life challenges and devotes herself to assisting others as they go through hardships. She is the founder and executive director of Helping Hands Outreach a non-profit organization since Dec 8, 2010. Every Sunday, April volunteers to feed those in need under the John Street Bridge to a growing number of people. When the school year begins, she hand-delivers school supplies to children in several Bridgeport neighborhoods and local schools. During the Christmas season, she donates and distributes toys to children in the community. Through her many years of giving back and seeing the need of many families Helping Hands Outreach has opened doors on its new programs. April continues to lead the charge of helping the less fortunate in the Greater Bridgeport area.

Warren E. Hardy Jr.
Warren Hardy is a dedicated youth development professional and street mediator. Born and raised in Hartford, Mr. Hardy graduated from Weaver High in 1992. He gained street knowledge in the ’90’s from being associated with one of Hartford’s notorious gangs, “20 Love.” He served six of a 12-year prison sentence for racketeering and gang affiliation. Upon returning from incarceration and changing his life, Warren began educating young men about the dangers of gang activity. He is a dedicated man of God that loves people. Upon being released from prison, Warren volunteered for six years before being given a chance to fulfill his commitment to work with youth and the community. Warren also currently serves as the Intelligence Coordinator- Team Leader for Peacebuilders. Mr. Hardy is a member of the Men of Color Initiative, North end Church of Christ and Lift Every Voice and Sing, and is a volunteer for Shiloh Baptist Church, the Fatherhood Initiative, and the Buddy Breakfast Program. He has received the Governor’s Award for his outstanding work with community residents through the Faith Works Initiative. Warren holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services from Springfield College and is the Founder and CEO of H.Y.P.E. (Helping Young People Evolve). Mr. Hardy is certified as a Level I Kingian Nonviolence trainer and serves on the Board of Directors of the Connecticut Center for Nonviolence.

Dr. Antoinette M. Glenn
Dr. Antoinette Glenn, is the CEO and Founder of Impactful Educational Consulting LLC. She is a published author and speaker. Dr. Glenn has a signature program entitled Empowerment Principles that Transforms Professionals. Her speaking topics are Obstacle-based empowerment, Expectation-based empowerment, Blueprint-based empowerment and Belief-based empowerment. Dr. Antoinette Glenn is an experienced educator and subject matter expert in the field of leadership development. She is an Assistant Principal, Science Educator and is highly skilled at designing course curriculum to enhance professional development. Since 2001, Dr. Glenn has been on a journey to enhance the lives of others. She travels and speaks on building character and confidence showing her audiences how to take control over their lives by overcoming painful adversities. Dr. Glenn’s facilitation style is fun, hands-on, high-energy, and knowledgeable as she teaches others how to succeed beyond their current limits. Dr. Glenn earned a Doctorate Degree from The College of William and Mary in Educational Planning, Policy and Leadership with a primary focus on Executive Leadership development. Her memoir, “Found Guilty: My 26 Year Journey to Redemption, was released in February.